Accounts page exists here. It was originally a joke about me rolling my own auth(lol), but it now works somewhat.
In the homepage, there are two forms. One is for creating(spamming) accounts and one is for testing them.
When you fill out the form, a php script is called to do stuff. First, it makes sure you aren't tryna leak creds(tho there is not anything more than a username to leak hahaha). Then, it hashes your password. Takes those two and shoves it in a table. Simple
But does it work???!?!?! Yeah, just use the test form.
Literally all it does is sanitize input and checks the db for the info, and if you are you, it gives you the data in it.
Okay meanie, heres all I keep about your account. So safe I don't put my real passwords in it either.
After accounts, we go to uploading files. The form part of the uploads page has two parts: Account and File.
Back to accounts, huh? The script for handling accounts is basically the same as the testing script, only it is embeded inside of the main upload script.
Now to the meat and potatoes and other food related items that aren't actually related to the thing I'm talking about but I should stop writ
All it do is check filesize and filetype. If it gud then it gets shoved into uploads.
This part breaks my brain, but it take picture in uploads/, make thumbnail, and put it in the html table.
It do it with Imagick. If something is not a picture, an ominous video icon (or sound icon) is put in it's place.